Between late-night YouTube binges and Zoom-based education, children are spending more time on their computers than ever before. However, like adults, kids need regular exercise to stay healthy and fit. Building healthy habits during childhood is one of the best ways to fight obesity and encourage your child to remain active through adulthood. Here are a few tips you can motivate your little one to get out there and get movin’!

  • Set a good example. Kids are much more likely to want to exercise if they know mom and dad love it as well. From playing sports with your child to talking to them about your personal training in Horsham, PA, setting a good example when it comes to fitness is a great way to encourage movement.
  • Invite friends to join in the fun. Children are much more likely to want to get up and move if their friends can play along as well. Consider inviting a few of your son or daughter’s friends over for a game of tag, soccer, or a round of Marco Polo in the pool.
  • Include children in household activities. As a parent, you already know that chores involve a ton of physical activity. An excellent way to incentivize your child to get active is to assign them a few duties to complete each week in exchange for a small allowance. Though most people don’t think of mopping the floors, vacuuming, or walking the family dog as exercise, these routine tasks can help introduce your child to regular, scheduled physical activity. Plus, it’ll be one less chore on your to-do list!

Has a season of lockdown impeded your fitness goals? Personal training in Hatboro, PA, from the team at Horsham Athletic Club can help you get back on track. For more information, reach out to our team today.