What coach doesn’t want a faster athlete? Typically the faster athlete gets to the ball first, gets in position to make the play, or wins the race. You may have a good first or second step, but the following steps determine whether you get caught or catch the other player.

Speed and agility consist of rapid back-to-back movements that mimic the dynamic movements that players perform throughout a game. Working on these movements outside of a game helps to improve muscle memory, which in return leads to complex movements becoming second nature to a player.

Here is an example of an off season speed routine for a trained athlete:

  • Warm up – (Bodyweight circuit of push-ups, chin ups, squats, running in place or jumping rope to raise body temperature.
  • Dynamic Stretching – Repetitions of high knee lifts, walking lunges, carioca, etc.
  • Mobility work – Lying cobras, bridges, lying scorpions, mountain climbers, etc.
  • Sprints – 1-2x 10 yds, 1-2×20 yds, 1-2×30 yds, 1-2X40 yds, 1-2X50 yds with a recovery time of 1-2 minutes. Also try various start positions such as lying down, mountain climber start or 3 point stance.

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